
We believe we can eat free in Ghana.


We believe we can grow food in front of our houses and on lands and spaces that are not being used yet.

Our Story

We have started the project in December 2024 at Kokrobite, Ga South Zone. We have planted in some locations with the permission and cooperation of some people. 

Some of the locations are the Kokrobite Hospital and in front of some houses houses where the landlords buy the idea of Let’s Feed Ghana. 

Apart from some Landlords, The Chief of Langma has given us a small piece of plot on which we have started another community farm.

The crop we chose and started with is plantain because once a plantain sucker is planted, it reproduces and multiply itself over time.

So come on folks and join us plant plantains in front of your houses, and in 6 months we start harvesting free plantains in our communities to start with.

We can also also grow food along our roads beyond the gutters.

We want to start planting at the above mentioned places because we want the produce to be free, visible and accessible. This means you don’t ask permission from anybody to harves. IT IS FREE FOOD FOR THE COMMUNITY.
We envisage that when the communities understand and believe in what we are doing more land owners will give us space to make community farms all over Ghana.